Archive for: September, 2017

News & Updates September 26, 2017

How Not to Respond to the Rising Murder Rate

In an op-ed for the The New York Times, Harvard researcher Thomas Abt responds to the 2016 FBI crime data report & makes the case for a new national dialogue on crime—a dialogue informed by evidence and not by ideology. He also had more than a few things to say about why our Group Violence Intervention is

News & Updates September 21, 2017

States move to restrict domestic abusers from carrying guns

Michael Siegel, a professor of community health sciences at the Boston University School of Public Health, published a study this week showing that states that require people with restraining orders to relinquish the firearms they already own have a 14 percent lower rate of intimate-partner gun-related homicides than states that don’t.

News & Updates September 20, 2017

Jeff Sessions’s evidence-free crime strategy

In an op-ed for The Hill, Director David Kennedy pushes back against Attorney General Jeff Sessions's “tough-on-crime” rhetoric and regression to War on Drugs-style policies of the 1980s. “We need effective crime reduction strategies, just as we did in the '80s … and we know enough to do better this time,” Kennedy says. “We should do

News & Updates September 1, 2017

American policing is broken. Here’s how to fix it.

In this piece, Vox's German Lopez cites NNSC Director David Kennedy on how to improve police-community relations. The first step? Police must acknowledge the history of harm perpetuated by their institutions, else community distrust of law enforcement will persist. 

News & Updates September 1, 2017

Niagara prosecutors try frank talk to steer offenders to better path

The July 13 meeting in the Niagara Falls Public Library was set up under a state-sponsored program called GIVE – Gun-Involved Violence Elimination – used in 17 counties since 2014. Meeting with felons is one way the program tries to reach its goal of reducing violent crime, and the batting average for the GIVE program seems good: of