Archive for: May, 2017

News & Updates May 31, 2017

A Haven From Trauma’s Cruel Grip

“Along with a growing number of hospital-based violence intervention programs, the new [trauma recovery] centers acknowledge the link between violence and public health, as well as the insidious ripple effects that untreated trauma can have on public safety. The likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime — and a repeat victim — increases exponentially

News & Updates May 30, 2017

Street Stops by New York City Police Have Plummeted

In encouraging news for critics of the “stop-and-frisk” policing era presided over by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the racial disparity in street stops by NYPD officers narrowed between 2013 and 2015. This discovery came from a report filed in federal court by the court-appointed monitor overseeing the Police Department.

News & Updates May 16, 2017

Pittsburgh takes steps to reduce violent crime

“Pittsburgh’s newest strategy is a major recognition of what recent research seems to confirm — that violence behaves like infectious disease and is better treated when approached like an epidemic. This methodology can trace its roots to the work of David Kennedy, a criminologist at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice who laid the groundwork for