Practice Brief: Norms, Narrative and Community Engagement for Crime Prevention (Community Moral Voice)
The norms and narratives held by offenders and potential offenders, communities; and law enforcement have tremendous impact on crime and ...

Drug Market Intervention: An Implementation Guide
The guide to the Drug Market Intervention provides practical information intended to help law enforcement, community, and social services partners ...

The High Point Drug Market Intervention Strategy (2009)
This publication sets out the compelling story of High Point’s original Drug Market Intervention work and describes how the intervention ...

Drug Market Strategy: Basic Implementation Steps
A 9-step outline of the fundamental work and partnerships involved in the strategy ...

Practice Brief: Keeping Drug Markets Closed–The High Point Protocol
Since pioneering the Drug Market Intervention in 2004, the city of High Point, NC has developed a protocol to ensure ...

Pulling Levers Focused Deterrence Strategies to Prevent Crime
This paper briefly reviews the research on the crime control effectiveness of "pulling levers" focused deterrence programs. Focused deterrence strategies ...

The Effects of “Pulling Levers” Focused Deterrence Strategies on Crime
This report is a meta-analysis that evaluates impact on homicide and violence in a variety of cities that have implemented ...